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Maco Coin
The Mate Coin

Maco is an ERC20 token on the Ethereum blockchain and is the Holomate in-world currency for all products and services.
Public availability
Maco will be publicly available as soon as NFT Milestone 1 is reached and mate looting is unlocked for the mate owners to loot some Maco.
After the presale, when milestone 2 is reached the gas-free off-chain cash system as well as the UniSwap pool will be setup and provided with enough liquidity to be used. For further info check the FAQ or contact us on Discord.
NFT milestones details
Our DEX dApp enables gas-free transactions of Maco, let owners loot their bots and players earn real money for doing jobs - all executed off-chain with instant settlement on main chain available at any time.
Maco Coin
Maco Coin

Real value with UniSwap

Maco can be swapped with Ethereum and back using UniSwap. This makes it real.

Investors can stake coins in the UniSwap liquidity pool and earn money.

Maco Cash

Maco Cash is used off-chain in-world and can be swapped 1:1 to Maco ERC20 tokens and back using our dApp.
Maco Cash can be spent gas-free without any transaction fees.

Maco Cash - Holomate in-world currency

All financial transaction inside the Holomate are done in the off-chain currency Maco Cash, with a settlement layer as an ERC20 token on the Ethereum blockchain. The Holomate economy consists of the following parties and use cases:
Holomate Maco Coin usage
To make that all possible the Holomate dApp was invented, that consists of a payroll fund that pays out money in the in-world currency Maco and the NFT named MATE that enables bot ownership.
The Holomate dApp
Holomate dApp explained

The Payroll Fund

In the heart of the whole system is a fund that gets fed by all Holomate sales, incl. bots and then paid out to working users and bot owners.


Token Generation

The first time each bot is sold, it generates 90'000 Maco per bot which is paid by 100% into the fund.

In-world sales

All in-world sales for products and goods are paid by the users in Maco and half of each sale is directly paid into to the fund and immedately available as loot.


Looted Bots

Bots can be looted by their owners: who owns the MATE token of the bot can loot the bot's income once each day. (max. 250'000 bots exist)

In-world work

Users can do small in-world jobs and get paid in real money (Maco) for work.

The Payroll Protocol

The payroll protocol computes how much is payed out from the fund to each payroll unit and is fairly simple:
payroll share = current payroll fund / number of payroll units / 150
Where the number of payroll items are all sold bots (= all minted MATE tokens) plus all currently enrolled work permits.
To guarantee a longer period of funds available and make it more fair for late investors so they can still loot, the fund/units ration is additionally divided by a constant factor of 150.
Holomate Payroll Protocol

Bot owners sack loot

Each bot owner can sack loot from their bots at maximum once every 24 hours. Bot owners can sack their loot whenever they please. Loot does not stack up. It's ready to be sacked, or not. Payout corresponds to the currently available calculated share per payroll unit.

Work permits

To pay for in-world work, users must register to be currently actively playing and it's expected they will work for money inside the Holomate. With that, the potential effort to cover all costs can be determined.


Holomate Maco Distribution

Unminted Maco becomes Payroll Fund

Maco should be fairly distrubted initially among all investors of the Holomate project, namely the bot owners. Most Maco (90%) are minted from initial bot sales (MATE NFT) and are immediatley available to all bot owners to loot from every day.


Some funds are minted at contract deployment that are used to bootstrap the project. Other percentages of the currency are reserved to be minted in the future for special occasions that are not available for loot:

Available on creation

1% Bootstrap
is used to bootstrap the UniSwap pool, with liquidity and a counter weight in Ethereum to have an initial price of 1 Maco to 0.001 USD. The raised ETH funds from the pre-sale phase are enough to have the whole bootstrap covered by ETH for the target value. Initially for the pre-sale not the whole bootstrap can be covered by Ether, but liquidity will be subsequentially added as the pre-sale progresses.
1% Launch campaign
is used for the launch campaign, to use for Airdrops, buy-one-get-one-for-free actions etc. Check our Twitter to get informed for any action taken in that regard.

Available over time

3% Infrastructure
is reserved to keep the infrastructure up and running: Each 30 days the contract owner is allowed to transfer a specified amount to cover the reported expenses. The current allowance amount per 30 days is saved publicly on the contract and can be seen by anyone.
5% Development
is reserved to pay for the projects development: for each 10% of the max supply is minted, 1/10 of the development fund is minted and can be accessed. This way it's fair that the developer can participate on the success of the project, if it is successfull, which is directly mapped via the amount of Holomate sold.

In-world pricing policy

The purchase of products and services in-world goods are all paid in Maco. Prices are relative to a DAI (USD) value and automatically adjusted to stay the same, seen from a real-world user experience point, no matter what the Maco-Exchange rate will be.
That means, if you pay 1$ for a drink in a bar in week 1 the drink will be 1$ 2 months later, even when for example the Maco coin is now 10x more valuable, eg, first the drink would cost 1000 Maco, and later only 100 Maco: it is still 1$.
Earn real money for
work in VR
coming soon


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MATE NFT ERC721 ETH contract
© 2021 Holomate